🔍 Search... SOCIAL MIDIAS . . . TikTok [@ashdobuild] Instagram [@xwfmx] Spotify [@starman★]

15 years... Any pronouns, Autistic and adhd, Gryffindor, Cabin 13 and infp ✩★

THINGS I LIKE Marauders era, supernatural, asoiaf and Greek mythology, !
THINGS I DESLIKE Arrogance, hatred against minorities

Before You Follow . . .

I mostly tweet about my favs (marauders), i HATE snape, I tend to disappear and reappear without explanation

Somethings . . . to add
PLS TAG : I post A LOT of sad stuff, if you don't like crying don't check my tweets

Dont Follow If . . .

You're snape stan, you're team green, supports hatred against minorities, is pro-capitalism


I talk a lot, mostly about my hyperfocus, I literally spend hours and hours on end talking about fictional characters and stars